blim presents:
blim gocco christmas card making workshop (saturday, december 16 - $40.00 | 3 – 6 PM)
mini screenprint art, graphics, drawings, or text on your very own greeting card! bring your 4"×6" image on black and white carbon photocopy. the cost of workshop is 40.00 plus taxes for whole afternoon which includes 40 cards (one layer) or 20 cards (two layers) with envelopes. they will provide other materials such as inks, screens and bulbs. there will be a snack bar, good music, and fun to be had!
call 604 872 8180 or to register.
* please pay for workshop 48 hrs before workshop date. cash or cheque only.
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oh, would love to register ...
yes, that would be a fun afternoon!
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