esprit graphic frying pans.
stylish italian fry pans double as pieces of art for your wall. painted with cool, colorful designs which have a nonstick coating for easy cooking from target.
Exciting news! I have taken the plunge and have moved Poppytalk onto Wordpress (well, a good portion of it anyway —many of the archive po...
Woah! Those frying pans are really nice. Too bad they will be messed up with sticky olive oil..
I would cook so much more if I had frying pans like these. really, I would.
those are awesome. i will have to pick me up some!
Man! Target is nuts! I dropped a coffee in there, I was so excited by all the random stuff.
This makes me so happy!
Does the pattern burn off when you use the pan for cooking?
Either way - great idea for a frying pan. Love the price, too.
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