shoes for your walls

it looks like a shoe weekend here without even planning (read previous post) with the works of shoe designer, mark schwartz and his shoes as idea.

original art, limited edition prints of none other than shoes. love the black and white ones and of course who can resist a red shoe?

very unique and whimsical!

Jan Halvarson


Anonymous said...

I loved your website! congratulations!
I have a new project that has the purpose of pron to spread art, who does, sell or talks about it! I would love you to be a part of it! please visit the link and click into the translation link on the right so that you can read it! Only the first post was in portuguese, the rest will be all in english!
Thank you!

Unknown said...

fantastic painting...great to see...Iam a lover of my timberland shoes and i always admire shoes....