the calm kitchen

there is something calming about this new baby blue i'm seeing for kitchen accessories (as my friend sarah would say). and it's true; i'm being pulled in by these vintage colors and designs by typhoon too:

vintage blue espresso maker
$15 u.s.

vintage blue scale
$40 u.s.

vintage pitcher
$14 u.s.

Jan Halvarson


Funky Finds said...

love, love, love these goods! I'd love to have a huge kitchen decked out w/all of these!

lisa solomon said...

oh. i think i want all new kitchen things.

jon said...

typhoon has some super fun things don't they? also love some of their prints too!
really love that pitcher though...

Anonymous said...

That is so funny, I was going to post about Typhoon too after I recently bought this kitchen/egg timer...I'm tempted to throw out all my old stuff... :)