things i love thursdays

i love graffiti. i love little surprises here and there. i love to see street art, it makes me feel the city is alive! i know, i know, it's a touchy subject; and i'm not into vandalism or defacing property. but there is also a good side to graffiti. sometimes it comes in small messages, like the "you are beautiful" sticker i found the other day, or "love heals" i saw today. perhaps it's brightening up an abandoned, neglected building, or taking the boredom out of waiting for a train to pass by (thank goodness for train car graffiti). i think what amazes me most, is that some beautiful pieces are so masterfully done in such a short amount of time.

Jan Halvarson


lisa solomon said...

great photo!!

meridith said...

i love it too~!

Vanessa/NessieNoodle said...

I am with you on this- I alwasy feel like I need a de-coder ring with me though...
isn't banksy cool?? great photo btw.

andrea said...

one of the many loves we share, jan. inevitably, my thursday loves will soon be mirroring so many of yours: flickr, graffiti, typography... and so much more.

and yes, there are negative aspects to graffiti but the positive far outweighs the negative (I realize I'm preaching to the choir here). I am often amazed at the genuis, the beauty, the skill, the design, the humor, the wit of graffiti art. it deserves a place in this world and I'm glad there are people like you to appreciate it. :)

graff lovers unite!

(great shot by the way)