self portrait challenge (new look)

the launch of the new self portrait tuesday site is set for may 1 and i'm also very excited to have designed the banner and blog button for it! click here or here for the html code to get your own self portrait link button. or if you would like an extra small one (like below) just copy and paste this code into your sidebar template:



<a href="">
<img src="" alt="selfportraitchallenge" /></a>

thanks to kath of redcurrent to give me the opportunity! also check out her blog for some fun new buttons i designed for her site as well!

Jan Halvarson


mommy zabs said...

i love what you did with it the banner and the button.
but i can't seem to get it to work? it just keeps coming up as a quesiton mark on my blog. This button thing of yours is super cool :) And if i can think of what i would need one for i will buy some :) will you email me what i'm doing wrong with posting my spt button?

Anonymous said...

jan, i love the it! the new banner & button are fabulous!

Anonymous said...

nice work, jan!!! congrats! =)


cool header and button for SPT! I love the buttons you made for kath's blog! awesome!

Anonymous said...

wonderful work - love the buttons and the header is just so cool!!

Jan Halvarson said...

thanks everyone for your kind comments!

andrea said...

can't tell you how much I love the new button and banner... omg, especially the banner. GORGEOUS. I knew you had to have done it too. lovelovelove it.