green and yellow

green and yellow, originally uploaded by poppytalk.

it's spring break here and alas some clear skies and warmth on our backs.

seemed like it was a green and yellow day today and took these for inspiration on our outing. it's funny these two colors i have never gravitated towards. they are so hard to do well i think. challenges.

no segway here; just some links if your in the mood for inspiration.
modern digital canvas
nifty thrift pool at flickr

Jan Halvarson


Anabel said...

Good photo and thank for the links:-)

lisa solomon said...

ahhh... nice combo of photos.... really love that top left one!

as always... thanks for linkage!

Lena said...

love these colors...

Anonymous said...

great images...
jan, the new header is FAB!

Anonymous said...

I sure hope it will be spring break here to soon! Love your photos today. Strange flowers, got to take a look at them at your Flickr site.

Anonymous said...

hooray for spring! love the photos. =)

Jan Halvarson said...

thanks everyone! i'm so thrilled for your comments!

camilla - i uploaded a bigger version to flickr if you want a better look at these flowers. wish i knew the name of them but i've never seen them before either.