photobooth friday

i am on the lookout for a booth; but in the meantime, check out hulaseventy's for her new photobooth friday. so much fun!

Jan Halvarson


Anonymous said...

there used to be one at the capilano mall in north van... not sure if its still there or not?

Anonymous said...

Love the cake and glad it was able to be repaired! Where did you get those car candles (I have a 4yr old boy about to turn 5)? ...yes, colour photo booth in capilano mall and my favourite, a black and white photo booth in Lynn Valley Mall.

Jan Halvarson said...

thanks fellow vancouverites! yay! the candles are made by wilton. you could try tools and techniques in west van...

andrea said...

thanks for the shout out, jan...!

Jan Halvarson said...

hey andrea - love your booth idea!

Anonymous said...

me again...just at Capilano Mall last night and not only is there a colour booth by StarBucks but a B&W one by the food mall. (thanks for the candle info!)