i have been on the hunt for a special type of thick felt (wool felt i have finally found out recently) that will almost or will stand up on it's own). i have this big idea and need this special type of material. well yesterday "voila" it all came together, although it is going to be a bit of work. the felt you find in fabric stores is just too flimsy and synthetic for what i want to accomplish; and so i have called wholesaler after wholesaler, upholsterer after upholsterer and no luck. so i ran into the perfect felt (already made into something at a craft store) and was told it was hand made with roving wool. what is roving wool? after googling and googling, it didn't look like i was going to find anything local and would have to order this unknown fibre online. but "yay" i ran into some yesterday! i just bought a little bag and it wasn't the color i want to do my project with, but at least i can have a go making a little bit to see if it'll all work out. here's a tutorial i found on handfelting that i'm going to try. now i'm off to find my bamboo beach mat. stay tuned.
if this doesn't work out - i'm coming to big joannes? where is it?
I used that exact tutorial to make a cushion last year. But I didn't quite have the right type of wool. It worked, but my bamboo mat disintigrated before I was finished. It's quite a lot of (hot) work. Good luck!
ooohhh.... looking forward to this!!
ooohhhh, I'm so excited for you...! and can't wait to see what you create...
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