empty spaces

door, originally uploaded by poppytalk.

i love the idea of empty spaces, with the sense of familiarity yet unsettled atmosphere.

like this forgotten places set. found via swissmiss.

and the photography by todd hido, graduate of the rhode island school of design, his work is also of the same vein, stark photos of houses at night, landscapes and portraits.

Jan Halvarson


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the linkage!
Happy wednesday!

lisa solomon said...

i can't believe i didn't know about your blog until now.... sigh.... we have such similar tastes!

todd hido is a fav of mine....

do you like sugimoto too???

Jan Halvarson said...

swissmiss - thank you!

lisa - i can say the same about your blog! i'm glad i found yours! i do like sugimoto! beautiful!

andrea said...

wow, you've really been digging up some incredible photography links lately... thank you!