beautiful decay

a magazine that i have never noticed before and saw on my favorite magazine's store shelf was beautiful decay. it looked so full of goodness and was dying to pick it up, but the line-up to purchase was waaaaaaaaay too long. (that's one of the problems at this time of year), but it looked so scrumptious. found their selves online here and am equally interested. lots of links to peruse and be inspired by. here's a few:

the art of chess exhibit at the luhring augustine gallery is a collection of artists reinterpretations of the classic chess board. my favorite, the rachel whiteread piece, modern chess set, 2005. carpet, lino, plywood, beech, placticized resins, foil, white metal, fabric, enamel, varnish, aluminium wire, brass, ink, chrime, gloss paint, metal wire, foam, fabric handles.

some nice new fonts from dsnhaus. nominal5 and bmx.
monkey salon, an interesting gallery
and claim your free wall calendar 2005 at pictures on walls (see products).

Jan Halvarson


Anonymous said...

oh my goodness...that chess set is amazing! *wow* i want it...:) you always find the neatest things!

Ward Jenkins said...

Yeah, I'm a big fan of Beautiful/Decay. I have several issues. They're out of Baltimore, I believe.

andrea said...

ha, I was just going to say how much ward digs that publication.

fantastic chess set...! love that bmx font and I bookmarked monkey salon lickety-split.

Jan Halvarson said...

jenny - me too!

ward - where have i been? maybe canada might answer that question.

andrea - wouldn't it be fun to make a chess set like that? even though i don't play, i want one.