thursday's child

sorry if this collage takes a while to download - a bit of a large file. it's of that legal graffiti thing they held here this past summer. hard to believe summer's almost over.

if you haven't seen these female merit badges yet via camilla via tuula then you have to. i find them so valid. reminds me of girl guides or something with a reality twist. it's always dope when you have a swoon spotting. you can also catch her stuff at backjumps and here. interesting viewpoints here today re streetart vs graffiti.

hey - is it only thursday?

Jan Halvarson


Emily said...

Just wanted to let you know the collage pic isn't sounds really cool, though!

Jan Halvarson said...

thanks emily - i changed the format - hope you can see it now.

Emily said...

Definitely! Very cool!

andrea said...

those merit badges are really fantastic! and yes, interesting discussion on graffiti vs. street art... can't wait to pass that link onto ward.

Anonymous said...

hey Jan,
thanks for the comment. its totally wierd because i have safari too and it is fine in mine! bafflling....
i hate it when i t gets all wierd annd i would not have known so thanks for telling me.
i cant understand what it could be especially since my safari views it ok...i havent changed a thing, though typepad has been doing renovations...

Anonymous said...

the collage is loading fine in firefox.

The merit badges are rather fabulous and I'm really pleased to see things that demonstrate 'women' rather than the 'ladette' stuff that seems to be all over the place at the moment. Great link.

Jan Halvarson said...

tania - yeah, just strange stuff - looks ok in explorer. same issues i was having.

heather - thanks for visiting. glad you can see it in firefox. i had to look that word up "ladette" - but it is nice to see things that way rather than the ladette stuff.
you're a great writer.